I'm really proud to announce the first release of the Socket.IO C++ Client on GitHub!
Based on Boost and WebSocket++, this full-featured Socket.IO 1.0 client has the fundamental advantage of working on multiple platforms. Check out the directory of examples. It contains examples of iOS, QT, and CLI chat clients!
To learn how to use this client, I put together a QT chat example that communicates using a Socket.IO Node.JS chat server. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions.
IntroductionIf you’d like to follow along, begin by cloning the socket.io-client-cpp repository using the following:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp.git
The app includes the following features:
- Send messages to all users joining the room.
- Receive a notification when users join or leave the room.
- Receive notifications when a user starts typing a message.
Before you get started, visit the QT community to download and install QT.
Creating a QT GUI ApplicationLaunch the QT Creator.
On the welcome page, select New Project
, then create a QT Widget Application.
Name it SioChatDemo.
The project structure should look like this:
SioChatDemo |__ SioChatDemo.pro |__Headers | |__mainwindow.h |__Sources | |__main.cpp | |__mainwindow.cpp |__Forms |__mainwindow.ui
Importing an SioClientLets copy the SioClient into the QT project under the subfolder sioclient.
Edit SioChatDemo.pro
to configure paths and compile options by simply adding:
SOURCES += ./sioclient/src/sio_client.cpp ./sioclient/src/sio_packet.cpp
HEADERS += ./sioclient/src/sio_client.h ./sioclient/src/sio_message.h
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/sioclient/lib/rapidjson/includeINCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/sioclient/lib/websocketpp
Add two additional compile options:
The no_keywords
flag prevents qmake
from treating some function names as emit
as the keyword for the signal-slot mechanism.
Use c++11
to ask for C++11 support.
Importing BoostWe now have our boost headers
and a fat boost static lib
named libboost.a
(non-win32) or boost.lib
To import them, we need to edit SioChatDemo.pro
again by adding a header including the following:
INCLUDEPATH += `our boost headers folder`
Linker options:
win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L`our Win32 boost static lib folder` -lboostelse:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L`our Win32 boost static lib folder` -lboostelse:unix: LIBS += -L`our osx boost static lib folder` -lboost
Create the Main Window UICreate a simple UI by dragging and dropping a widget from the widget box on the left-hand side.
It contains the following:
- A
at the top to input a nickname:nickNameEdit
- A
at the top right for login:loginBtn
- A
in the center for showing messages:listView
- A
at the bottom for typing messages:messageEdit
- A
at the bottom right for sending messages:sendBtn
Add Slots in the Main WindowThe following slots need to be added in the mainwindow
class to handle UI events:
- Click ‘Login’ button
- Click ‘Send Message’ button
- Text change in message editing (to show typing status)
- Return message editing (for sending responses)
Insert the following code into the MainWindow
class in mainwindow.h
public Q_SLOTS: void SendBtnClicked(); void TypingChanged(); void LoginClicked(); void OnMessageReturn();
Connect the UI Event Signal and SlotsOpen mainwindow.ui
in the design mode. Switch to the signals/slots
mode using Menu->Edit->Edit Signals/Slots
Click and hold the widget and drag it to the window (the cursor will become an electrical ground symbol) to open the connection editor.
In the connection editor, edit the main window slots on the right side. Add the slot function names added in mainwindow.h
Then we can connect the event signal to the widget with our own slots. The result should look like this:
Adding UI Refresh Signals/SlotsThe sio::client
callbacks are not in the UI thread. However, the UI must be updated with those callbacks, so we need a signal for the non-UI thread to request the slots
functions in the UI thread. To signal that QListWidgetItem
has been added, insert the following:
// in mainwindow.hQ_SIGNALS: void RequestAddListItem(QListWidgetItem *item);private Q_SLOTS: void AddListItem(QListWidgetItem *item);
//In mainwindow.cppvoid MainWindow::AddListItem(QListWidgetItem* item){ this->findChild<QListWidget*>("listView")->addItem(item);}
Then connect them in the MainWindow
Setting up the SocketFor single-window applications, simply let MainWindow
class hold the sio::client
object by declaring a unique_ptr
member of the sio::client
and several event handling functions in mainwindow.h
private: void OnNewMessage(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp); void OnUserJoined(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp); void OnUserLeft(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp); void OnTyping(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp); void OnStopTyping(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp); void OnLogin(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp); void OnConnected(); void OnClosed(client::close_reason const& reason); void OnFailed();
std::unique_ptr<client> _io;
Initialize sio::client
and setup event bindings for the default socket
in the MainWindow
We also need to handle connectivity and disconnect events.
Add the following to the MainWindow
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), _io(new client()){ ui->setupUi(this); using std::placeholders::_1; using std::placeholders::_2; using std::placeholders::_3; using std::placeholders::_4; socket::ptr sock = _io->socket(); sock->on("new message",std::bind(&MainWindow::OnNewMessage,this,_1,_2,_3,_4)); sock->on("user joined",std::bind(&MainWindow::OnUserJoined,this,_1,_2,_3,_4)); sock->on("user left",std::bind(&MainWindow::OnUserLeft,this,_1,_2,_3,_4)); sock->on("typing",std::bind(&MainWindow::OnTyping,this,_1,_2,_3,_4)); sock->on("stop typing",std::bind(&MainWindow::OnStopTyping,this,_1,_2,_3,_4)); sock->on("login",std::bind(&MainWindow::OnLogin,this,_1,_2,_3,_4)); //default socket opened, also we have "set_open_listener" for monitoring physical connection opened. _io->set_socket_open_listener(std::bind(&MainWindow::OnConnected,this,std::placeholders::_1)); //physical connection closed or drop. _io->set_close_listener(std::bind(&MainWindow::OnClosed,this,_1)); //physical connection fail to establish. _io->set_fail_listener(std::bind(&MainWindow::OnFailed,this)); connect(this,SIGNAL(RequestAddListItem(QListWidgetItem*)),this,SLOT(AddListItem(QListWidgetItem*)));}
Managing Connection StateWe have several connection listeners for connection events.
First, we want to send a login message when were connected; we get the default socket
from the client
to do that.
void MainWindow::OnConnected(){ QByteArray bytes = m_name.toUtf8(); std::string nickName(bytes.data(),bytes.length()); _io->socket()->emit("add user", nickName);}
If the connection closes or fails, we need to restore the UI before we connect.
void MainWindow::OnClosed(client::close_reason const& reason){ //restore UI to pre-login state}
void MainWindow::OnFailed(){ //restore UI to pre-login state}```
If we exit the `MainWindow`, we need to clear the event bindings and listeners.
The `sio::client` object will be destroyed using `unique_ptr`.
```cppMainWindow::~MainWindow(){ _io->socket()->off_all(); _io->socket()->off_error(); delete ui;}```
## Handling Socket.IO Events
We'll need to handle socket.io events in our functions they are bound to.
For example, we need to show received messages in the list view.
```cppvoid MainWindow::OnNewMessage(std::string const& name,message::ptr const& data,bool hasAck,message::ptr &ack_resp){ if(data->get_flag() == message::flag_object) { std::string msg = data->get_map()["message"]->get_string(); std::string name = data->get_map()["username"]->get_string(); QString label = QString::fromUtf8(name.data(),name.length()); label.append(':'); label.append(QString::fromUtf8(msg.data(),msg.length())); QListWidgetItem *item= new QListWidgetItem(label); //emit RequestAddListItem signal //so that 'AddListItem' will be executed in UI thread. Q_EMIT RequestAddListItem(item); }}```
## Wrapping Up: Sending the Message
When `sendBtn` is clicked, we need to send the text in `messageEdit` to the chatroom.
Add the following code to `SendBtnClicked()`:
```cppvoid MainWindow::SendBtnClicked(){ QLineEdit* messageEdit = this->findChild<QLineEdit*>("messageEdit"); QString text = messageEdit->text(); if(text.length()>0) { QByteArray bytes = text.toUtf8(); std::string msg(bytes.data(),bytes.length()); _io->socket()->emit("new message",msg);//emit new message text.append(":You"); QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(text); item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); Q_EMIT RequestAddListItem(item); messageEdit->clear(); }}```
## Further Reading
You can run the <a href="https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp/tree/master/examples/QT/SioChatDemo">demo project</a> to get a closer look. Before you run it, please follow the <a href="https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp#-with-cmake">instructions</a> to make the Socket.io client library.
Don't forget to <a href="https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp">star the project</a> on GitHub to get updates!